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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Weigh in Wednesday Week 7, A day late.

Starting weight: 278
Last week's weight:242.5
Today's weight: 240.4
Lost: 2.1
Total loss: 37.6
Average weekly loss: 5.4

So here is my weight from yesterday.  I was so shocked that I forgot to take a picture.  I can't believe that I didn't gain anything from vacation.  
I have had a sore throat for the last few days.  It's like as soon as I cross the state line I get stopped up.  God bless sudafed.  I haven't felt like eating at all today.  When that happens, its off to take out.  Some chicken terriayki  With 503 calories and 75 grams of protein.  That is some WLS friendly sick food.
So working out has been a no go for this week.  However, food has been good.  Protein has been good.  I work the next 3 days and I have my food all ready to go.  Hopefully I can stay on track.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Vacation fail

So the last week I've been in Orlando.  It was a wonderful trip.  We went to Universal  studios, Downtown Disney, and a glass bottom boat tour.  Lava Lamp's parents rented a house with a pool.  It was fantastic.  We walked miles every day and managed to work out 2 days while we were there.  

On the other hand, food sucked.  I started out with all the best intentions.  The problem with sharing a house with people, is they bring all sorts of crap into the place.  I'm serious.  Every  brand of junk food.  Chips, cookies, ice cream, cake, etc.  And I am weak.  Oh so weak.  In my house, Lava Lamp keeps his junk food in a cabinet over the fridge.  Out of sight, out of mind.  This place had stuff all over the counters.  

I got to learn what a slider food does to you.  It literally just slides down.  No feeling of satiety what so over.  And that's the sucky part.  I could handle eating junk food if it actually filled me up.  Eat some ice cream and hungry in an hour.  Also, watermelon is a slider food, come to find out, but excellent when you want something cold to munch on.  

I came home and I gained 5 pounds.  So not as bad as could have been.  Lava Lamp and I split dinners.  That never would have happened prior to surgery.  I have come back from weekends with the in laws and gained 15 pounds.  I'll take it.  

So now back home.  We got a bunch of salad stuff and yesterday I prepped it all.  Fancy lettuce, sliced strawberries, blue cheese, and chopped up roterrise chicken.   Add that to my Lite baby bells and some honey ham and you got my food plan for the week.  Tomorrow will be getting up at 7 am and taking my punishment with Shawn T.  And back on the 64 ounces of detox green tea. 

One week does not constitute failure.  One week is not the rest of my life.  Time to get back on the weight loss bandwagon.  
At the Lego store at down town Disney
Universal's Island of Adventure Jurassic Park
Catching the Hogwart's express
With the lucky palm tree at the glass bottom boat tours

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Weigh in Wednesday Week 5

Starting weight: 278
Last week's weight:243.5
Today's weight: 242.5
Lost: 1
Total loss: 35.5
Average weekly loss: 7.1

So I added my average weekly weight loss into my stats.  I like it.  It helps realize that when I only lose one pound a week, what I have actually averaged.  Not bad.  I'm currently wearing pajama pants that I have not been able to wear in over a year.  Working out has gone well.  I'm still sticking to Shawn T.

On Sunday, Lava Lamp and I are going to Orlando for the week.  This will be a hat trick.  We are planning to take Shawn T with us.  Also we plan on walking all over Universal studios.   We are packing some food and I am bringing protein shakes.  The godsend in all of this is Lava Lamp is on board with I can and can not eat.  I know that he will help me stay on track.  There will be no weigh in Wednesday next week, but hopefully there will be mobile blog posts.  

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Week 2 of T25

Week 2 of T25 started.  I'm starting to get a little better.  I'm still with Tanya the modifier 99% of the time.  I'm cool with that.  Tanya and I are good buddies.  

At my last Doctor's appointment, the dietician wants me to try do away with protein shakes.  She wants me to try to get my protein from real food.  Real food sucks.  I don't like juggling the protein.  It's so much easier when I get 40 grams of protein from a shake.  I feel better when my protein is at 90 grams rather than 70 grams.  I've started to notice more swelling in the morning.   And i really don't like eating this much meat.  My hope is that one day, I go back to my mostly eating vegan.  In order to get there, I'm going to have to do protein shakes.  I use to drink protein shakes for breakfast all the time.  It worked for me.  I don't like real food in the mornings.  I prefer to drink breakfast over eating eggs.  Which is what I've been doing.  Blah, I am really starting to hate eggs.  I'm starting to dream of my gritty vegan protein shakes.  So today, I go against medical advice and I drink a protein shake.  

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A HUGE Thank You

I got a call on Saturday.  My aunt is going into surgery.  This is great news.  Let me tell you the back story.
My aunt is a saint.  She never drank, smoke, or slept around.  She was a good Christian woman in every sense of the words.  Angelic.  And then, when I was little, she got cancer.  She was down in Nashville in the hospital and coded.  To save her life she had blood transfusions.  She went through chemo and was placed in remission.  Some years later, she started to get sick.  We found out that she had hepatitis C from the blood transfusions.  This was before they started screening the blood supply.  She went through the treatments and nothing worked.  She got sicker.  

Last week she went on the liver transplant list.  If you never dealt with transplant lists, most people die on the list. 
And we got the call
We got the CALL! 
She went through surgery wonderfully.  Everything is going great.  Not out of the woods yet.  There will be a life time of anti rejection drugs.  But this is the beginning, not the end.  She will get to enjoy her grand kids and her family for a long time to come.  This world will continue to have this saint of a lady.

I'm not writing this to tell you our exciting news.  I;m writing to say thank you.  The liver came from a 20 year old.  We do not know who it was or how they died or if it was a man or a woman.  But I'd like to say thank you for signing the back of your driver license.  Thank you to the family that said yes and allowed the donation to proceed.  I know I can't comprehend the pain the family was in or the depth of their loss.  But thank you for letting your loved one be a hero and saving my aunt's life.  

I'm an organ donor.  I am on our state's directory.  At the time of my brain death, I will no longer need any of my organs.  I can't take them into the here after, so I might as well leave them here.  My family and loved ones know my wishes.  I would encourage you to do the same.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Weigh in Wednesday Week 4

Starting weight: 278
Last week's weight:247
Today's weight: 243.5
Lost: 3.5
Total loss: 34.5
So I forgot to take a picture of the scale this morning.  Oops.  So today you have to do with photos from my fitness pal and fitbit.  So far I have kept up with T25.  Occasionally, I just breathe heavily in a accusatory manner at Shaun T.  Friday is the double workout day.  I have to work a 12 hour shift on that day so I decided to go ahead to do it.  Wow.  That sucked.  So far calories have been 700-921.  Water and protein has been on target.

Beth Ann posted an awesome article.  It talks about what women look like after massive weight loss.  I think this is a good think for all of us weight loss surgery survivors to know.  I did not have my sleeve done to look like a super model.  I will never look like a super model.  Not with out extensive  plastic surgery.  And even then.  I had weight loss surgery to have a better quality of life.  To stop diabetes.  To halt my heart problems.  I know that after I've lost my 100+ pounds I will need spanx to smooth lumps and bumps and my breasts will sag.  I don't think that will make me any less of a success story.

I believe we live in a world with unrealistic expectations of people's bodies.  I will never have slender hips with out first breaking my pelvic bone.  I do believe there is a certain trend lately and I hope it takes hold.  The trend is toward being healthy and strong.  That's what I want to be.  I want to be able to pack my dog's 50 lb bag of dog food.  I want to be able to walk with out getting out of breath.  I want to be known as fit. I do not want to strut down a cat walk in my undies.  

That's all of a rant I've got for now.

Sunday, May 4, 2014


So it starts out innocently enough.  Oh I love Shawn T.  Only 25 minutes.  Let's order it.
A few weeks later, Lava Lamp says, "You wanna try that new work out?" And we did. The saving grace of it all is Tanya, the modifier.  Tanya shows you how to do a low impact version of the moves.  We did three of the work outs.  Yeah they sucked, but I could do it.  So Lava Lamp and I are going to give it a go.  Here are my before pictures.  I will apologize that I am not photogenic at all.  I never perfected that whole fat girl with a pretty face thing.

And here's lava lamp.  Sometimes I hate that skinny bastard

So I will let you know how it goes.  Tomorrow, I go back to work.  Boo Hiss.  The last month off of work has been wonderful.

Saturday NSV

The other day my Mom stopped by to drop off some clothes.  The women in my family have a problem.  We hoard clothes.  If I go below 150 I might have to but new clothes.  Mom and I both are on a kick to clean out.  Watching a few episodes of hoarders will make you want to simplify your belongings.  Now my mom is a snappy dresser for a 60 year old.  I hope I dress as well as her when I get older.  Here's a pic of the new duds.  The kicker is that's a large top and a size 16 skirt.  I know a lot of it has to do with how it's cut, but I'm taking the victory and running.  I started this gig at a size 24.  Woohoo
Note you can see my lovely protein shake.  A scoop of muscle tech and a scoop of vega protein powders.  

Another NSV of the week is it's been been PMS time at my house.  In case you didn't know, rapid weight loss plays hell with your period.  Hence I'm a week late and suffered through 2 weeks of PMS.  When PMS comes around it brings it's friend, the sugar munchies.  I broke on Thursday. I got ice cream.  I purchased a pack of skinny cow ice cream sandwiches.  I looked at the calorie counts for Dairy Queen.  Did you know that a mini blizzard has more than 400 calories?  Holy moly.  So I went to the 150 calorie skinny cow ice cream sandwiches.  The NSV is that for the last three nights I have had one a night.  Did you hear me?  One.  O-N-E.   Just one.  And I haven't gone over 917 calories.  WOW.  Is this what normal people do?  Have a craving and just eat one little ice cream sandwich?  Woah.  I am fond of saying that it's not a 100 calorie bag, it's a 600 calorie box.  Cause I eat it all.  I shock myself.

The next NSV of the night was Lava Lamp and I went to a gathering with some friends.  Our friend Bobby baked a whole bunch of pies and cakes.  I had one bite of Matt's cheese cake and cringed inside.  It was much too sweet.  I stopped and drank my protein shake.  When I got home, hello skinny cow.  Before my sleeve it would be your cake, my cake, EAT ALL THE CAKE!  This time it was "Eh I got some thing better at home."  I love my banana stomach.  

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The difference 30 pounds make

Selfie last September
 Selfie today
My lock ness neck is back or at least trying to reappear
The difference 30 pounds makes