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Sunday, May 11, 2014

A HUGE Thank You

I got a call on Saturday.  My aunt is going into surgery.  This is great news.  Let me tell you the back story.
My aunt is a saint.  She never drank, smoke, or slept around.  She was a good Christian woman in every sense of the words.  Angelic.  And then, when I was little, she got cancer.  She was down in Nashville in the hospital and coded.  To save her life she had blood transfusions.  She went through chemo and was placed in remission.  Some years later, she started to get sick.  We found out that she had hepatitis C from the blood transfusions.  This was before they started screening the blood supply.  She went through the treatments and nothing worked.  She got sicker.  

Last week she went on the liver transplant list.  If you never dealt with transplant lists, most people die on the list. 
And we got the call
We got the CALL! 
She went through surgery wonderfully.  Everything is going great.  Not out of the woods yet.  There will be a life time of anti rejection drugs.  But this is the beginning, not the end.  She will get to enjoy her grand kids and her family for a long time to come.  This world will continue to have this saint of a lady.

I'm not writing this to tell you our exciting news.  I;m writing to say thank you.  The liver came from a 20 year old.  We do not know who it was or how they died or if it was a man or a woman.  But I'd like to say thank you for signing the back of your driver license.  Thank you to the family that said yes and allowed the donation to proceed.  I know I can't comprehend the pain the family was in or the depth of their loss.  But thank you for letting your loved one be a hero and saving my aunt's life.  

I'm an organ donor.  I am on our state's directory.  At the time of my brain death, I will no longer need any of my organs.  I can't take them into the here after, so I might as well leave them here.  My family and loved ones know my wishes.  I would encourage you to do the same.

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