I'm officially one week out from surgery. I walked another 10,000 steps today. Woohoo. It's kinda sad that only have another 2 weeks of medical leave left. Herbie, the hematoma, is coming down nicely.
I've lost 21 pounds so far. I wasn't going to start weight ins till Wednesday because my surgeon tanks you up with fluid before you leave the hospital. A lot of the initial weight loss is that fluid working its way out. However, I weigh 14 pounds less than what they weighed me at in the hospital before the surgery. I'm thinner right now than i have been since doing the 6 months of medically supervised weight loss.
My recovery is going fantastic. I'm still not lifting over ten pounds, but I feel awesome. I'm down to about 4 doses of 460 mg of Tylenol a day. Once Herbie leaves, that will be less. 3 doses of that is during the night when Herbie wakes me up. Today, Lava lamp and I went to the fabric store to stock up. I'm getting a little stir crazy while he's at work so I figured I'd cut and piece a quilt in the meantime.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's weigh in.
Oh and by the way, a really great blog out there is http://holleealexandria.blogspot.com. I started reading her when I was researching weight loss surgery. She's a fun read.
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