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Monday, April 14, 2014


My hematoma, Herbie, is shrinking. I started to take arnica Montana. It is an herbal supplement for bruising. Fantastic stuff. I have used less Tylenol today and haven't had any liquid lortab in a couple of days. The pain has settled into a dull soreness.  I have enjoyed my time off.  Hanging out with the dogs and reading John Greene's "The fault in our stars".  Very good book and a very quick read.  Tonight I'm going to go for another walk.  I'm trying to get in 10,000 steps a day or 5 miles.  Yesterday was the first day that i didn't get it.  Only 6,000.  I wear a fitbit.  More about that...

The six month period that i had to go to counseling (nutrition, exercise, and with a physician) enabled to find out what works for me.  I clearly do not have what it takes to get to the gym every day.  I purchased a fit bit flex after tax time and this little guy is amazing.  It shows me via dots how many steps I have taken.  Then it downloads to my computer and my phone.  It's great motivation.  I also recently got the Aria scale that interacts with the fit bit software.  My weight is downloaded to the fitbit software.  And all of the fitbit software transfers to my fitness pal.  The fitbit soft ware is great, but the food adding portion blows.  I like my fitness pal because it works better.  It allows bar code scanning and adding recipes.  Also has an extensive library that you can search.

So right now I will continue my full time job of drinking water, eating protein, walking, and relaxing.

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